
Parashat Yitro  5785 – Na'aseh v'Nishma*

*The Mitzvot of the Avot* 

The Midrash in Shir Hashirim  expounds on the passuk "Lereyach shemanecha tovim…" and explains that the mitzvot performed by the Avot were comparable to a "pleasant fragrance", but the mitzvot that we (their descendants) perform are comparable to "good oil".  

Chazal also tell us that the Avot, despite not being commanded, fulfilled all the mitzvot of the Torah, even the mitzvot derabanan (comanded by our chachamim) including eruv tavshilin. So, if the Avot fulfilled all the mitzvot, why are their mitzvot compared to a mere "pleasant fragrance", whereas our mitzvot are comparable to "good oil", which is more substantial and tangible than a mere "pleasant fragrance"? 

*The Understanding of the Avot* 

We would like to suggest the following approach: The Avot Hakedoshim realised that Hashem created and controls the entire universe, and that His desire is to have his shechina reside in this world. The Avot were able to deduce for themselves the correct actions that would cause this retzon Hashem to be actualised, i.e. the mitzvot, and the actions that would cause the opposite effect and repel shechina, i.e. the aveirot. 

Without (virtually) any explicit instructions they were able to grasp and fathom the correct actions to perform. Not only were the Avot able to deduce the concept of each mitzvah, but even the seemingly smaller details and parameters of each mitzva they were able to comprehend and understand, to the extent of preparing eruv tavshilin, because they understood that without this institution , it would be incorrect to prepare on Yom Tov for Shabbat. 

Still, the Midrash tells us that the mitzvah performance of the Avot was analogous to "a pleasant fragrance" which is clearly less tangible than "good oil" – the metaphor used to describe our mitzvah observance. Klal Yisrael, after being commanded at Har Sinai to fulfil the mitzvot of the Torah, continued the legacy of the great Avot, but now the "fragrance" was actualised into a more tangible and lasting entity of the "good oil" which, as a liquid, needs a vessel to contain and provide boundaries. These boundaries were the laws of the Torah, which delineates the details that pertain to each and every mitzvah. 

*Accepting the Authority of the Torah* 

When Klal Yisrael came to Har Sinai to receive the Torah after preparing themselves for 49 days, they reached an incredible spiritual level where they were able to rule completely over their yetzer hara and channel it for avodat Hashem. At this stage they were able to say "na'aseh" "we will do [whatever we are instructed to do]" on a level of willingness and comprehension that the great Avot had when they performed the mitzvot. But Klal Yisrael added a dimension to the "na'aseh" that even the Avot did not have, they wanted from Hashem the command and instruction to perform the mitzvot and on this they said "nishma" "we will listen" because they understand that mitzvot performed out of understanding and comprehension are exalted, but mitzvot performed out of a command as well as understanding, are even more exalted. This was the extra dimension of nishma, of following instructions and orders and performing a mitzvah because Hashem said so, in addition to the understanding that each and every mitzvah is retzon Hashem and causes there to be more shechina in this world. This turned the mitzvot from a mere "pleasant fragrance" to "good oil" - a tangible and lasting entity. 

 _As we approach this special Shabbat, the Shabbat of kabbalat hatorah, let us remind ourselves of the proclamation of na'aseh v'nishma which preceded kabbalat hatorah, and the significance of this proclamation, of understanding that however much we understand the importance of each and every mitzvah, ultimately it is not only our understanding that drives us to perform mitzvot, but also because we are following Hashem's command . Kabbalat hatorah is accepting the authority of the Torah, and of the Chachamim and Rabbanim and doing that which we are told to do because we have been instructed to do so, and not because we necessarily understand and agree with that which we have been instructed to do. This is the proclamation of nishma in addition to na'ase._ 

*Shabbat Shalom!* 

Rabbi Gad Bouskila 



