Behasdei Hashem, our Community is proud to have reached a tremendous milestone. Beyond just dreaming of our expansion, we are now actively building on this dream. With the vision of many, and with the focus on our Torah values, our strong and growing community has worked tirelessly to uphold and link our heritage to the daily lives of many; The rich and beautiful Moroccan heritage, that we are very proud of, right here in the illustrious heart of Brooklyn, NY.

We have all come together with the leadership of our esteemed Rabbi and leader, Rabbi Gad Bouskila . As we continue to outgrow the physical space, it is clear that the time has come for us to further build and expand the Spiritual strength of our heritage community-wide, through the additional space and facilities.

This expansion will enable the community at large to enhance and expand our Torah learning programs. It will enable us to share the beautiful holiday prayers with more family and friends. It will further develop and grow our wonderful community and attendees with more Minyanim and programs, currently constrained by the limited space we have available. 

Our exclusive New Beit Midrash Facility will allow for growth of the Torah learning, by allowing us to devote full schedules in the allocated space.

The new Beit Knesset will allow for comfort in hosting events for our community at large. This will enable us to share in many more Smahot as a community together, along with friends and neighbors. 

Most importantly, our future and that of our children is directly linked to this expansion. Building this wonderful Beit Knesset will further allow us to focus on the spiritual growth of our pride and joy, the YOUTH of our community. They will have the opportunity to call our Beit Knesset "home" by enjoying the many programs and events the space will allow for. It will further enable our rich traditions to be embedded in the daily lives of our children. 

Please be part of our future, as we all share a common history and background. More importantly, be part of the BUILDING of this future we all strive to reach together.


The Vaad