To live with modesty.
One of the overriding themes of the book of Bereishit is the concept that “the actions of the fathers foreshadow events that will happen to their descendants”. In other words, the book of Bereishit is like a blueprint for a building. Our Patriarchs instructed us how to act in future times through their actions and deeds, as described in these parashiyots.
As Yaakov is about to send his sons down to Egypt, he says, “Why should you show yourselves?” (lamah Tit’ra-u) [Bereishit 42:1]. There are several interpretations of this expression. Rash”i says that Yaakov was telling them that they should not make themselves appear “full” to the children of Eisav and Ishmael. The entire world was starving. Yes, Yaakov and his family may have had food, but it was not appropriate to give the appearance that they had more than everyone else. That would not be a smart thing to do.
The Kli Yakar explains the verse [Devarim 2:3] “it is enough for you dwelling by this mountain, begin traveling towards the north (penu lachem TZAFONA)” by teaching us that the word TZAFONA comes from the root TZAFOON (as in Tzafoon by the Afikomen on Pessach), meaning hidden. If you achieve some degree of material success, you should hide it from the view of Eisav. In other words, “If you’ve got it, don’t flaunt it!”
The Kli Yakar continues and says that Eisav has a long memory and always believes that if Yaakov achieves wealth — money, real estate, nice clothing — it is all because Yaakov stole the blessings from him. That mentality remains with the descendants of Eisav. Eisav has never forgiven Yaakov and is being reminded every time he sees the way we act.
The Kli Yakar concludes that unfortunately in his generation, Jews did not learn this lesson. If they had wealth, they did indeed flaunt it and caused danger to the community.
This is something that we must never forget. Living in the United States people do indeed forget it. We live in a country that is so unbelievably liberal and so unbelievably good to us that sometimes we think that we do not live in Galut anymore! This is not true. We are living in exile, and it is not worthwhile to flaunt wealth. One doesn’t need to listen to all the remarks made about us saying that The Jews control all the wealth in the world.
This is a lesson that Jews have failed to learn time and time again in the various countries in which we have found ourselves. Whenever Jews have had a little money, they ensured that everyone knew about it. That was a tragic mistake.
This is the “action of the forefathers” that is the advice to the children: Yaakov Avinu told his children “Why do you show yourselves?” Why should others have to think that we have more than enough? It is not only wrong to act this way, but it is even dangerous.