In our parasha, Tazria-Metzora we find the concept of Tzaraat meaning leprosy, which the guemara emphasized in Tractate Arachin that deserves a man that had spoken Lashon Hara, meaning slander of other people. And it is known that the basis of bad language lies in that aspect that a person is too proud of himself. And what brings a person to the level of pride? It seems to be that the same good gifts given to him by God, such as wealth, on one hand, that the rich can reach what King Solomon writes in Mishley: "The rich will answer toughly," who will grasp his wealth and forget that all wealth is a gift of the Holy One, The truth is that wealth does not depend on wisdom or talent, because some of the rich people around we see that they were not so specially smart or talented at all! I personally know two or three enormous rich people who can not read and write! And they're big millionaires! Wealth does not depend on wisdom.
Also, a person born strong , did he work on it ?! Thus the Holy One, Blessed is He, made it and blessed it! Even wisdom is a free gift of Hakadosh Baruch Hu to be more talented than others to complete a certain role. But if a person takes the wisdom that the Holy One, Blessed is He, gave him, or the wealth he received, or the heroism that he received - and he uses it to be proud of others, then the Holy One, Blessed is He says: "Bring everything back" Use the special tools I have given you in order to thrive the world and promote it in its proper way!
The degree of leprosy and the explanation of this
It is therefore known that the lesions first began in the houses, and after that it moved to the clothes and afterwards they moved to the body itself. The leprosy was like a "reminder" to a person, for if a person is proud, and this is because of his talents or virtues that he or she has, and perhaps his house made him proud because he has a beautiful home, and that made him proud, so hashem says if you speak lashon hara, which is rooted in pride, I will send you afflictions on tour house to remind you not to be proud, for then he will feel that his house is worthless and that he has nothing to be proud of!
The Cohen would then close the house for seven days to see if the lesion was spreading or not, and if after seven days it was discovered that the lesion had spread and spread, the injured stones should be removed and all the plaster should be scratched. And to whitewash the entire house, and if the scourge returned and appeared on the walls of the house, the Cohen would be instructed to remove and break the whole house, and in the course of the matter, they were examined by the owner of the house, did he understand the "message" from shamayim or not?
It is known that a "nice apartment" is one of the things that widens a person's mind, but from here to "pride", it is two different and distant things and it was because if the pleasant house that could expand the person's mind did not bring him pride, but he used it to serve Hashem, It is good for him to serve God, but if it causes him the opposite and other things, then he does not use it properly and correctly, so he must destroy the house and lose it.
And if after he has broken the whole house he still does not understand the message and he continues to take pride in things that are not his, the lesions go through his clothes and if a man has reached the point that even his clothes bring him to pride, that will cause his clothes to have Tzaraat.!
And if the Tzara'at comes to him in his own body, then the leprosy in the body consumes his body and bites him and eats from him, and if the Cohen defiles him then he will have to sit outside the camp for seven days, the biggest and greatest person that he is proud of himself, after sitting for seven whole days outside the camp, isolated and cut off from all contact with people, and no one can approach him for seven days - will no longer have that prideness at all.".
The Holy One, Blessed be He, gradually brings the afflictions upon man in order to instill in him his contemplation of his ways and to understand the evil of his deeds so that he may return to him and cling to him and realize that all the tools and virtues he has, are in his hands only to concentrate on his role in the general Avodat Hashem and to complete it. And therefore the process begins in his house that brings him pride and then continues to his clothes and if that was not enough for him, it continues until he reaches his own body.
And this punishment of leprosy comes to root out pride, for after sitting outside the camp for seven whole days without any contact or contact with anyone, he will certainly no longer be a "proud jew .
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Gad Bouskila